Projekte und Referenzen
Zusammen mit meinem internationalen Beraternetzwerk biete ich ein breites Spektrum an Dienstleistungenen an und kann durch meine langjährige Erfahrung mit Rat und Tat bei einer Vielzahl von Projekten zur Seite stehen. Hier finden Sie Beispiele meiner Arbeit und Erfahrungsberichte von einigen meiner Kunden und Partner in drei Profit- und Non-Profit-Schwerpunkten:
(Bitte den Mauszeiger über die Felder bewegen und auf die Pfeile klicken, um die Folien zu wechseln.)
„Ohne Ziele und Pläne, wie man sie erreicht, ist man wie ein Schiff, das Segel gesetzt hat ohne den nächsten Hafen zu kennen.“
Fitzhugh Dodson

1. Change and Knowledge Management
2017/2018: Evaluation on the improvement of women’s and girls' rights in Finland’s development policy and cooperation
Finland has a long-standing commitment to gender equality and women's and girls’ rights that are strongly enshrined in its development policies. The purpose of this evaluation was to generate learning that would help Finland to further improve its gender policies and programming, to better follow up on gender policy priorities, and to develop a new gender Theory of Change. The evaluation had a strong learning emphasis and aimed to produce a compilation of good practice examples and lessons learnt to examine the nature of observed gender-relevant results and the mechanisms contributing to these. The report, presentation and a webinar recording are available from MFA Finland’s website.
Webinar recording 24.08.2018
Webinar GE presentation 2018-09-19 FINAL
Webinar GE presentation 2018-09-19 FINAL
2016/2017: Outcomes evaluation of CGIAR-CCAFS' climate data and tools
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) brings together researchers from diverse disciplines to address climate change challenges in agriculture. With increased focus on achieving and capturing results influenced by their research efforts, Konny Rassmann and Tonya Schuetz were commissioned to assess the development effectiveness of their climate products (see CCAFS Info Note). We employed mainly Outcome Harvesting but also elements from Impact Pathway thinking and Contribution Analysis to describe and analyze ‘development outcomes’ that were directly or indirectly influenced by three online climate data bases (see report, summary, and note on methodology).
“Konny did a fantastic job in leading the design and implementation of the study, and produced a very comprehensive report that has already been called “a new gold standard” for CCAFS-related evaluations. Throughout the entire process she was thorough, creative and adaptive, and worked extremely hard to make the report the best it could be.”
Philip Thornton, Flagship Leader, and Laura Cramer, Science Officer, CCAFS
2012-2015: Change and Knowledge Management at the IT company QFS
Quality First Software GmbH (QFS) is a German owner-managed software development company with extensive expertise in the field of software test automation. Konny led the QFS "Leitbild" project to refine their corporate philosophy and extract common values and objectives. She also contributed to process optimization, e.g. moving QFS’ knowledge base to a different IT platform (Atlassian Confluence) and suggesting improvements to their customer relationship management system.
“We much value Konny’s professionalism, structured approach, sharp and strategic thinking and her appreciative and participatory attitude and approach. We are looking forward to working with her again for future occasions and can warmly recommend her as a consultant, facilitator and project manager.
Karlheinz Kellerer, Managing Director, QFS, Germany
2013/2014: Enhancing usability of qualitative monitoring data for AcT, Tanzania
The Accountability in Tanzania (AcT) programme is led by KPMG Tanzania. Its purpose is to increase the responsiveness and accountability of the Government in Tanzania through a strengthened civil society. Together with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London, AcT has developed and supported partners to implement an Outcome Mapping methodology for continued organisational learning. Commissioned by KPMG Tanzania, Richard Smith and Konny conducted a scoping study aiming to enhance learning through the improved management and greater use of AcT’s qualitative monitoring data.
„Thank you for a very comprehensive report. Well above our original expectation. The report puts us in a very good position to have a thorough discussion with DfID on the suggested way forward. The examples in the dbase are very clear and I am beginning to see how we could use them to deepen the ongoing conversation with our partners on analysing OM progress markers.“
Rehema Tukai, KPMG International Development Advisory, Tanzania
2011/2012: Research on OM applications, adaptations and support needs
In 2011, the Stewards of the Outcome Mapping Learning Community (OMLC), a voluntary group of members with responsibilities for governing the OMLC, commissioned a study to map the state-of-the-art of Outcome Mapping practice. The report and summary developed by John Mauremootoo, Richard Smith, and Konny describe how and where Outcome Mapping has been applied, how users have experienced OM and the support options available and required for its use.
“The report greatly surpassed our expectations. It challenged us on many fronts but also gave us a much clearer (and evidence based) picture of what the Outcome Mapping community is like, how and why the approach has been used and adapted, donor perspectives, training needs and avenues for its further promotion.”
Simon Hearn, Oversees Development Institute, UK
2011/2012: Outcomes evaluation of the human rights/health network CPC
Established in 2008, the CPC Learning Network promotes innovative research, nurtures communities of learning, and builds the next generation of researchers and advocates for children and families. In 2011, Oak Foundation, a major donor of CPC Learning Network, commissioned Richard Smith, John Mauremootoo and Konny to examine the achievements of the network’s first phase 2008 to 2011. The evaluation used a methodology that for the first time combined the Network Functions Approach with Outcome Harvesting (see report).
„We continue to hold you, and the work you did for the CPC Network, in very high regard.“
Lindsay Stark, Director CPC Network, Columbia University, USA

2. Communication, Outreach, Fundraising
2014: Development of CABRI’s Communication Strategy and Plan
The ‘Collaborative African Budget Reform Initiative’ (CABRI) is an intergovernmental organisation that provides a platform for peer learning and exchange for African ministries of finance, budget and planning. In 2014, Katrin Nesemann was commissioned by CABRI and sub-contracted Konny to assist in the challenge of elaborating a strategic positioning, communications strategy and communications toolkit for CABRI in the context of their Strategic Plan development 2015-2018.
“I had the pleasure of working with Konny on a joint client account for a Pan-African professional organization. She did an absolutely astonishing job analyzing, structuring, developing ideas and strategies, writing communication pieces and developing the toolbox - while all the time pointing out potential challenges and flawed thinking, delivering creative proposals and solutions. On top of all, she was always on time and within budget. If you are looking for a reliable business partner, consultant or project manager with her area of expertise - I can only recommend you talk to her.”
Katrin Nesemann, Partner at, Germany
Development of the BioNET Global Programme Businessplan 2007-2011
BioNET International is a global network of ‘Locally Owned and Operated Partnerships’, endorsed by the governments of 115 countries, aiming to enhance human well-being and biodiversity conservation by building capacity to discover, name and classify the world’s living organisms. In 2006, Konny was commissioned by the Director of BioNET’s Global Secretariat, Richard Smith, to support the planning and preparation of the2.7mio GBP Business Plan for the BioNET Global Programme 2007-2011. Subsequently, Konny supported BioNET for 5 years as ‘Global Programme Officer’ helping to create and lead a global strategy, double the funding, secure United Nations mandates, and introduce a new monitoring and evaluation approach.
“Konny supported me with strategy development and planning, resource mobilization, stakeholder engagement and outreach, frequently proving invaluable as a source of insights, know how and tactics. Her multi-disciplinary background has been valuable in many areas of our joint work: her scientific training in taxonomy and evolution provided helpful input for various capacity building projects in biodiversity and food security; All in all, Konny has a rare combination of research and people skills, flexibility, creativity, knowledge and personal qualities that would make her an asset to lead or contribute to any team involved in strategy, planning, evaluating or communicating.”
Richard Smith, former Director of the Global Secretariat of BioNET International, UK
2010: Design of the world-wide ‘Taxonomy in Action’ campaign
On invitation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and in support of the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 celebrations, Konny led the BioNET International advocacy campaign for taxonomy. As part of this, she developed the kiosk presentation‘Taxonomy in Action’ together with BioNET-PACINET, which was translated into eight languages and launched at the tenth Conference of the Parties of the Convention for Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, in 2010. The case studies highlighted the relevance of taxonomy for biodiversity conservation, management and sustainable use.
“BioNET’s International Year of Biodiversity 2010 campaigns led to new or new dimensions for collaborations. Konny’s marketing and communication experience together with her enjoyment of working with people helped her to successfully develop and launch this worldwide online-campaign on taxonomy with contributions from partners from all continents.”
Richard Smith, former Director of the Global Secretariat of BioNET International, UK

3. Facilitation and Coaching
2009/2011: Facilitation of strategy workshops for BioNET International
Together with the BioNET Global Secretariat team, Konny supported the planning, organisation and facilitation of two comprehensive BioNET International strategy workshops (2009 in the UK, 2011 in Malaysia), bringing together BioNET representatives from 10 different regions of the world to develop a 'Roadmap to Success' for the global network.
“Congratulation to the organizers and facilitation team (Konny, John, Richard and Chris).”
Anonymous feedback from the Malaysia Strategy Workshop evaluation, 2010
2012: ‘Werte-Partner’ Leadership Coaching
‘Werte-Partner’ is a group of change and personnel consultants from the Munich area who accompany organizational and individual change processes. In 2012, Konny joined the group facilitating leadership workshops for executives and freelancers looking for new ideas, ways, or goals in their professional development.
„The open and cordial atmosphere of the workshop, the different characters of the coaches and the innovative formats like the 'speed coaching' have made this experience for me a great learning experience.”
Jochen Leufen, think|2|know
Personal Leadership and Career Mentoring
Konny has training in coaching and psychotherapy supporting her professional work with teams and individuals. Over the years, she has mentored clients from varying business backgrounds, establishing trustful and empathic relationships as a basis for addressing leadership, career and personal challenges and enhancing individual growth.
"Konny accompanied me on my professional and personal path in a very empathic and individual way, which strengthened my personality and showed me where I set myself unnecessary limits for my own development."
Anonymous client from Munich, Germany, 2013