
Partner, Netzwerke, Communities of Practice

Ein Eckpfeiler meiner Dienstleistung ist die Zusammenarbeit mit professionellen Beratern und Agenturen mit langjähriger, internationaler Erfahrung und Reputation. Ich liebe das  Networking und kollaboriere bei vielen Projekten international und interdisziplinär als Team. Ich glaube fest daran, dass gute Zusammenarbeit es ermöglicht, gemeinsame Ziele und Visionen besser zu erreichen.

Nachstehend sind einige   Kollegen aufgeführt, mit denen ich bei früheren Aufträgen zusammen gearbeitet habe und die mein Denken sehr inspiriert haben –  Danke! Aufgeführt sind außerdem einige Communities of Practice  und Netzwerke, and denen ich teilnehme und die ich als wertvolle Resourcen wertschätze.

Wenn Sie sich mit mir und meinem Netzwerk in Verbindung setzen möchten – zum Austausch von Ideen, weil Sie an unseren Dienstleistungen interessiert sind, oder einfach nur um sich mit uns zu vernetzen – zögern Sie nicht  uns zu kontaktieren!




Richard Smith
Director 'Proforest' and Independent Consultant
Richard is a senior manager in the not-for-profit environment / food security sector with special interest in partnership networks, programme design and evaluation. Konny was hired by Richard when he Read More
Tonya Schuetz
Independent Consultant
Tonya is a multi-disciplinary professional experienced in change and innovation management, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, personnel and capacity development. Tonya and Konny met first in 2011 during a research Read More
John Mauremootoo
Independent Consultant, InSpiral Pathways
John has extensive experience in project management, project planning, monitoring and evaluation, training & facilitation, and communication. John and Konny worked together on various occasions, e.g. on assignments for BioNET Read More
Pamela Branch
Founder ‘Project Services International’
Pamela offers her extensive experience in business development to clients from the public and private sectors, development agencies, international financial institutions and non-profit organizations from around the world. She has Read More
Terry Smutylo
Independent Consultant
Terry Smutylo is a senior evaluation specialist with over 30 years of experience. He has created the Evaluation Unit of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada, in 1992, serving Read More
Ricardo Wilson-Grau
Consultoria em Gestão Empresarial Ltda
Ricardo is an independent evaluator and organisational development consultant supporting social change organisations, in particular networks, and private donor programmes. Together with colleagues he created and further developed the Outcome Read More
Katrin Nesemann
Partner at
Katrin specializes in supporting clients to identify clear objectives and positions, design realistic strategies, and develop individual, team and organizational competence. Katrin sub-contracted Konny to assist in an assignment for Read More
Trevor Stewart
Partner Cooperative Change Group and Werte-Partner
Trevor worked in over thirty countries on all five continents, delivering workshops on a variety of topics including process improvement, team development, change management and leadership. Trevor and Konny met Read More
Outcome Mapping Learning Community (OMLC)
Formed in 2005, the Outcome Mapping Learning Community is a global network  of  over  4000  individuals from across the world. Members are dedicated to collective learning and sharing of knowledge Read More
Outcome Harvesting Network
This recently established website and forum offers Outcome Harvesting practitioners and those interested in obtaining an overview on the methodology a platform for learning. Ricardo Wilson-Grau developed the website in Read More
An international collaboration to improve the practice and theory of evaluation by curating and co-creating information on choosing and using evaluation methods and processes. The website provides information about more Read More